Why ask others when you can fund your dreams yourself? Being self-dependent is now possible! Continue to grow your business plans, small or big and beat all financial odds with smart use of your existing property
LAP (Loan Against Property) is a unique mortgage loan system that helps ensure you don’t face a financial crunch, even while you continue to occupy your property for personal or commercial use.

What are the ways you can use a LAP fund?
- For business expansion
- For debt consolidation
- For converting working capital limit to a Term Loan
- To purchase plant machinery
- For converting your current loan at an attractive rate of interest
- For foreign travels, marriages in the family, educating your children and other personal requirements

Key highlights of our Property 2 Me LAP loan offer:
- Quick loan approval and disbursal
- Get the maximum market value of your property
- Safe storage of documents
- Loan transfers with top-ups
- Doorstep service for time saving